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iMuscle MACHINE | 90 capsules

iMuscle MACHINE | 90 capsules

Regular price €150,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €150,00 EUR
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iMuscle MACHINE SARMs combo series, now for sale in the Netherlands! 

If you want to be active, to run without feeling tired, to give everything you've got in every physical activity, and to turn your body into a fat-burning machine, keep reading ...


The dose of each capsule contains: 

  • Cardarine GW 501516 / 10mg - Our most popular product for endurance and fat burning.
  • Stenabolic SR9009 - Our new addition that increases the metabolic processes of the body, specifically in the white fat tissue and the glycogen.


Positive qualities of iMuscle MACHINE combo SARM 

iMuscle MACHINE is a SARM combo for endurance, explosive training, and fat burning.

The main positive effects are: 

  • Fast efficacy, 30 minutes after taking; 
  • It increases the energy and the explosiveness of the muscle fibers;
  • It improves the metabolic processes of the body;
  • It burns both white and brown fat tissue;
  • It increases the oxygen and blood flow to the muscle fibers;
  • It increases muscle glycogen and decreases fat;
  • Zero hormonal influence;
  • Zero serious side effects.


How to use iMuscle MACHINE? 

What can you use iMuscle MACHINE SARM combo for, how long can you take it, what dosage is acceptable, and what to expect- these are the things you are going to find out below ...

 Cycle length 

iMuscle MACHINE doesn't contain any androgen SARMs, so it can be taken for more extended periods. However, a break is compulsory because the body has the unique ability to always adapt to a certain substance, which decreases efficiency.

The best cycle with iMuscle MACHINE is around 8 weeks, and must not be longer than 12 weeks.

You can register in our SARM forum, where you can quickly receive an answer to your questions from real customers who have tried iMuscle MACHINE or other SARMs in this combination.

 How to take it, and what is the dosage? 

The dosage of iMuscle MACHINE is 2 capsules for men and 1 capsule for women. 

Cardarine GW501516 and Stenabolic SR9009 are both formulas with rapid efficiency - 30 minutes after taking; therefore, it is a good idea to take iMuscle Machine before a training session.

Take 2 capsules around 45 minutes before the training session or divide the capsules between the training sessions if they are more than once per day. 

On the days off, the dosage goes to 1 capsule per day, which is taken in the morning on an empty stomach. For women, the dosage stays 1 capsule per day on the days off as well as on the training days. 


What can you stack the iMuscle MACHINE combo with? 

These are the SARM supplements that could be used with iMuscle MACHINE series for:

  • Muscle mass 

You can combine it with iMuscle HULKED or individual products such as Ostarine, Ligandrol, and Testolone:


What to expect after taking iMuscle MACHINE? 

You can visually lose between 3 and 5 kg of fat in 8 weeks if you keep a low-calorie diet. 

iMuscle MACHINE targets both white and brown fat tissue, which means that there won't be any yoyo effects that usually occur in rapid weight loss.


Reviews in our "LIVE" SARM FORUM 

 For opinions and reviews regarding the effects of SARMs and their combinations, you can read our article about the first UK SARM FORUM, or you can directly VISIT IT. 


Post-cycle therapy

iMuscle MACHINE does not require post-cycle therapy. It could be used in the recovery process to keep the muscles in their best condition. These are the two options for post-cycle therapy that could be combined with iMuscle MACHINE.

  • Vitamin D3– between 2500 and 5000 iu per day 
  • Zinc - 30mg per day 
  • Vitamin C
  • Magnesium
  • Maca
  • Folic Acid


We test every individual product batch in an independent European lab. Testing is mainly done for financial reasons and customer safety.

In other words we want to make sure we are receiving the correct raw materials and you are paying for the actual SARM product listed on our website.

Please find enclosed the following tests:

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Find out more about the SARMs post-cycle therapy and check out our offers. 



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